NSI Global provides a range of Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) services to help individuals, businesses, organisations and government departments protect against electronic eavesdropping. A TSCM survey, also known as Electronic Bug Sweeps, Security Sweeps, Electronic Bug Detection, or Office Debugging, is a service provided to detect the presence of and report on, hidden technical surveillance devices and hazards. It also identifies technical security weaknesses that could aid in the conduct of a technical penetration of the surveyed premises.
The practice of illegal electronic surveillance for intelligence gathering is a significant threat experienced by all industries as well as the private sector. This can vary from illegal surveillance and stalking of at-risk individuals, criminals trying to obtain information for financial gain, competitors attempting to gain strategic insight, to experienced state-sponsored actors seeking political and/or military advantages.
By conducting a TSCM bug sweep, organisations and government departments can ensure that their confidential information and trade secrets are not being compromised by malicious actors. This can help protect against financial losses and reputational damage that may result from the theft of sensitive information.
If you suspect that your organisation may be at risk of electronic eavesdropping, it is important to take action to protect yourself and your organisation. Contact NSI Global today to learn more about our business and government TSCM services and how we can help you safeguard your confidential information.