Available to Network Operators, Corporate, and Government
NSI Global’s Network Security Systems as well as our SS7 vulnerability testing and consulting services allow mobile network operators, telecommunications regulatory authorities, and public safety and security agencies to defend themselves against illegal interception, user tracking, manipulation, and fraud on the network level, covering the entire signal chain from edge to core.
NSI Global along with its European based COMSEC, developed the NSI Network Sentry system which is comprised of:
Sentry Detect – a comprehensive intrusion detection system that is capable of identifying protocol violations and/or misuse by fraudsters and other unauthorised foreign or domestic entities. Using high-performance real time analysis as well as a state of the art monitoring rule set with automatic updates, Sentry Detect permits network operators to identify and report threats.
Sentry Block – Sentry Block utilises the same analysis system as Sentry Detect. It is a sophisticated active SS7 firewall that can automatically block illegal traffic at each SS7 Signal Transfer Point, thus preventing such traffic from penetrating the core network.