Private digital forensic investigations may be conducted to recover data that is either required for record keeping, sentimental, or as evidence for legal matters. Required data may include: files, videos, photographs, device usage, internet browser history, messaging apps, text messages, contracts, wills, and agreements, etc.
Corporate and/or government digital forensic investigations may be conducted to recover evidence pertaining to claims of corporate fraud, financial tampering, employee misconduct, improper use of assets, human resource violations, compliance, data theft, criminal activity, and cybercrime.
NSI Global’s Digital Forensic Unit retains department of defence security clearances. These clearances allow us to operate the same restricted access digital forensic equipment that government, law enforcement, and military utilises to recover the most critical deleted evidence.
Our forensic technicians are well-versed in the laws of evidence and case law. We liaise with your lawyers and barristers and can stand as expert witnesses in court cases. We provide detailed digital forensic reports that are cryptographically hashed in order to be allowed where applicable into evidence. Additionally these reports combined with our capabilities in electronic discovery can demonstrate links between suspected individuals and/or devices.